Safe Isolation Kits

  1. Save £113.99 Off List
    Fluke T110 & PRV240 & Lockout Safe Isolation Kit
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    Fluke T110 & PRV240 & Lockout Safe Isolation Kit
    (no reviews)
    £254.40 £212.00
    • T110 detects voltage, continuity, phase, and polarity
    • PRV240 sources a steady-state voltage up to 240V
    • Supplied with a padlock, hasp, various circuit breakers, toggle lockout, and warning tags
    212 Reward Points
    Price Match Guarantee
  2. Save £130 Off RRP
    Fluke T130 & PRV240 & Lockout Safe Isolation Kit
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    Fluke T130 & PRV240 & Lockout Safe Isolation Kit
    (no reviews)
    £290.34 £241.95
    • T130 measures voltage, tests continuity, and indicates phase
    • PRV240 sources a steady-state voltage of up to 240V
    • Supplied with a padlock, hasp, various circuit breakers, toggle lockout, and warning tags
    241 Reward Points
    Price Match Guarantee
  3. Save £132 Off List
    Fluke T150 & PRV240 & Lockout Safe Isolation Kit
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    In Stock
    Free UK Delivery
    Fluke T150 & PRV240 & Lockout Safe Isolation Kit
    (no reviews)
    £310.80 £259.00
    • T150 measures voltage, indicates phase, and tests continuity, resistance, and RCDs
    • PRV240 sources a steady-state voltage up to 240V
    • Supplied with a padlock, hasp, various circuit breakers, toggle lockout, and warning tags
    259 Reward Points
    Price Match Guarantee

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 products

3 Products

About Safe Isolation Kits

Safe isolation is a task that needs to be undertaken for the safety of persons working on electrical installations and others who may be impacted by the process. Fundamental to the process is the person performing the safe isolation needs to be an electrically skilled person trained and competent to safely perform the complete process. The use of appropriate test equipment and ancillary equipment such as lock-off devices is essential.

The Safe Isolation Kits provide the necessary tools to ensure safe isolation enabling work to commence.

We currently offer a range of safe isolation kits from manufacturers such as Fluke, Di-Log, Kewtech, Lockout Lock, Martindale, Socket and See. Please browse through our selection and get in touch if you have any questions.