Cable Avoidance & Fault Location

Cable Avoidance & Fault Location

All of the equipment you need for safe detection, tracing, and the unearthing of buried cable utilities and other hidden types of underground utility. Make sure excavation personnel are always working safely with this comprehensive range of equipment including CAT & Gennys, cable fault locators, and cable spiking equipment.

Although most of us don't realise it, there are so many things hidden that power our daily lives. Underfoot we have everything from sewers to high-speed fibre optic broadband cables ensuring that modern life is more comfortable than ever before.

As is the case with anything, these systems are prone to breakage and - due to their underground nature - are much harder to locate and repair than systems that are out in the open. Excavation teams should always ensure that they use specialist cable tools and detectors to map out the underground before excavation takes place as it's easy to accidentally strike a buried utility and can cause damage to the system or the person carrying out the excavation.

CAT and Gennys are most suited to this application. Designed to be used together, these devices are purpose-built for identifying the location of buried utilities, effectively allowing a person carrying out excavation work to safely move around buried utilities.

A CAT (shortened version of cable avoidance tool) is used for tracing underground utilities that generate a signal. These include electrical cables that are giving off electromagnetic fields and by picking up on these the professional using the CAT can trace the path of the cable underground.

A genny is used when the buried utility does not generate its signal. The genny is used to generate (hence the name) a signal that bounces off an underground utility and is then picked up by a CAT.