Cable Locators, Wire Tracers & Fuse Finders
Need to find cabling in hard to reach areas like underground or behind walls? Cable locators allows users to locate cables, wires and piping without the need to dig up or cause damage to areas by injecting a signal directly into the cable.
Find out more about Cable Locators, Wire Tracers & Fuse Finders below.

- Injects a signal into a wire to trace it from source to termination
- Audible indication using non-contact receiving probe
- Also ideal for checking continuity and for checking phone line condition

- Locate wooden joists or studs
- Locate metal joists or studs
- Locate live AC cables

- The quick, easy way to identify which circuit breaker/fuse is tied into a particular circuit
- LED bargraph and audible tone identification
- Includes transmitter and receiver

- Insulated inductive probe tip
- Wire trace, continuity test, clear/busy/ringing line test and tip/ring identification
- Alligator clips for non-terminated cables
- Modular connectors for direct connections

- Automatic sensitivity adjustment
- Audible and visual alerts
- Suitable for use on 110/230V circuits

- Clear visual and audible alert
- Maximum detection range: 13cm-18cm (depending on the metal object)
- Ergonomic and robust construction

- Fuse finder and receiver bundle package
- Locate fuses on different circuit types
- Multi-level sensitivity adjustments

- Small and robust
- Simple to use
- Auto scan feature

- Precise depth display
- Provides targeted location
- Indicates if magnetic or non-magnetic

- Comprehensive fuse finding kit
- LED and audible indicators
- Comes with industrial connector plugs

- Accurately determine which fuse is associated with a circuit
- Includes a transmitter which injects a signal and a receiver which picks up on the signal
- Mains lead included for connection to circuit

- Works on both live and dead cables
- Automatic and manual sensitivity adjustment
- Detect cables to a depth of 2.5m

- Trace energised and de-energised circuits
- Suitable for use on 600V circuits in Category I-III environments
- Breaker Identification feature prevents confusion caused by multiple false positives

- Includes transmitter and receiver
- Easily trace cables, pipes and locate fuses
- Also detects cable breaks

- Includes transmitter and receiver
- Trace cables underground and through walls
- Adjustable sensitivity

- Cable locator
- Two handheld, lightweight instruments, C.A 6681E Transmitter and C.A 6681R Receiver
- Digital technology reduces the influence of interference and disturbance signals

- Coded signal transmission
- Visible and audible indication of signal strength
- Non-contact voltage detection

- Includes both receiver and transmitter
- Find fuses, cable breaks and much more
- Adjustable sensitivity

- Includes a Fluke 2052R Advanced Wire Tracer Receiver and Fluke 2000T Transmitter
- Fluke 2052R Receiver supports passive and active tracing
- Fluke 2000T Transmitter offers three signal strengths: High, Low, and Loop

- Smart Sensor™ locates energised wires and displays their positions and orientations
- Tip sensor with the audible alert for tracing wires in tight spaces
- Fluke 2000T Transmitter has three modes: High, Low, and Loop

- Easy to find a signal
- Reliable, automatic pulse applied to the water
- Easy recognition on distances up to 45m / 150m
About Cable Locators
If you're coming into an area for the first time or simply can't remember exactly where a cable is in an area you work in regularly, a good cable location tool will ensure you can find all of your cables with minimal fuss.
Without a cable finder, you could do a lot of damage to company property by searching for cables that may or may not be there. Cables do, after all, get everywhere; under walls, ceilings, floors, and everywhere else in between. That's where the handy piece of testing equipment known as the cable finder comes in. Designed to find cables at various depths without you having to hack through the walls/ceiling/floor to get at them, the cable finder will ensure that you find exactly where your cables are with accurate readings of depth and audio indicators to help you pinpoint the location of the wiring no matter where it is.
As any practicing professional knows, digging up live cables can be an extremely dangerous process. By using a cable locator to pinpoint the location of wiring before digging it up you can be certain you won't accidentally touch live cables, giving you the peace of mind to work effectively without fear of sudden electric shock. Since some of the models in our range also incorporate depth indicators, you can also get an accurate reading of exactly how far down you'll have to go to find underground cables.
About Fuse Finders
By using transmitters on circuitry, a fuse finder, or fuse finder kit, can help you to easily tell where fuses are integrated into complex circuits.
As essential tools for practicing electricians, fuse-finding test equipment saves you time messing around with circuits when you could simply scan, get the results and go about your business with a minimal amount of fuss. A fuse finder really will save you time and effort, freeing up your time to get more work done and be able to supply much more efficient services to your clients.
If you are interested in a fuse finder you've come straight to the right place. This is Tester, one of the UK's leading suppliers of electrical testing equipment. We've been in the business for over a decade now and we work with some of the world's premier suppliers of testing equipment; recognised and trusted names such as Megger, Seaward, Fluke, Flir, and Kewtech. We also strive to maintain affordable prices on all our products. Our philosophy is to supply you with the best possible equipment while keeping our costs low, and we're confident you won't find a better deal for your new fuse finder than here at Tester.
With next-day and international delivery available on every product and our dedicated support team that will answer any of your questions, we're confident we've got the right fuse-finder or fuse-finding kit for you right here.