This ain’t any normal Tuesday. This is TestItTuesday!

Most homes in the UK have smoke alarms installed. They’re the silent sentries that lie on our ceilings and occasionally go off at inopportune moments like when you’re making some kind of food that likes to emit steam, but they really are there for a reason.

Smoke alarms save lives – it’s been proven time and time again over the years. Since they detect smoke quickly and give audible alarms, a smoke alarm really can be the difference between escaping a fire unscathed and potentially never leaving again.

Although we all know the benefits of having smoke alarms, the vast majority of us don’t regularly check they’re still in working order. Faulty parts, dead batteries and all kinds of factors can stop your smoke alarms from working, and without regular testing it’s impossible to know whether the device is actually still working or not.

In response to this problem, the UK Fire Service is pushing a new initiative called TestItTuesday, trying to inspire people to check their smoke alarms weekly and ensure they’re still working.

In fact, as I write this, #TestItTuesday is trending on Twitter! Make sure you help spread the word by retweeting this article and using the hashtag TestItTuesday.

Fire safety isn’t a joke. This simple process really could save lives, and it’s important we get the message out there.