Ahead of Gas Safety week 2014, set this year for the 15th to the 21st September, Gas Safe Register are looking for ‘Gas Safe Heroes’. They want to hear from any Engineer who is avid about gas safety and has helped a community, family or even just an individual stay safe with gas.

Gas Safe are inviting Engineers to share their story on their dedicated ‘hero page’ where a simple form allows Engineers to write down their individual achievements. Stories are then collated and may be shared on the Gas Safety Week website and sent to the media for promotion of the event and gas safety as a whole.

They are aiming to get Engineers talking to the media about their experiences of unsafe gas work, to help highlight and educate about the importance of gas safety. Engineers who share their stories and also want to get involved with Gas Safe Register, to help highlight the message about gas safety, can nominate themselves to be a spokesperson.

Also, as is usual each year, Engineers can pledge their support for Gas Safety week 2014. Gas Safe Register are hoping that this year’s pledges will at least match last year’s, which saw 2,700 supporters from the industry getting involved through pledging and distributing leaflets, holding promotions and telling customers about the week via social media and in person.

The Chief Executive of Gas Safe Register, Russell Kramer, says they want to focus on all the good work registered Engineers do, which is the reason they are looking for ‘hero’ stories for this year’s Gas Safety Week.

“Gas Safety Week is about bringing gas safety to the forefront of people’s minds. So this year, I’m urging the nation’s Engineers to join in- tell your story, nominate yourself to be a spokesperson or pledge your support.”

Kramer also added that it is through the whole of the gas industry working as a unit that the message can reach all of the 23 million UK gas consumers and encourage them to only use registered Engineers and check their appliances.

So if you have a story about how you were a gas ‘hero’ and did that little bit more, let Gas Safe Register know by telling your story. It can be anything from helping evacuate a home, fixing some bad gas work that could have been dangerous, or held some neighbourhood events to raise awareness of gas safety issues.

If you would like to register as a Gas Safe Register Hero visit gassaferegister.co.uk/hero and tell your story. If you would like to find out more information about Gas Safety Week visit GasSafetyWeek.co.uk

Written by Sara Thomson