To the right of the image large white text reads "Accounts' Epic Trip Back In Time At Kynren 2023". It sits on a photo background of people in medieval dress holding medieval banners standing in front of a stone castle backed by trees. In the bottom left of the image is a circular photo of a young woman with with dark hair and eyes. She is dressed in a floppy medieval hat and taking a smiley selfie. The selfie is framed by a light blue circular border.

Our Accounts Team recently went to the Kynren festival to cheer on one of their members, Bethaney, who was performing at the event. Find out what they got up to, including the most accounts thing ever!!

At dusk, people in medieval dress are holding medieval banners. They stand on a neatly cut lawn in front of a wide river. On the opposite bank is a small stone castle framed by trees.

With Bethaney being a part of the Kynren family we decided to go and show our support.

Bethany, a lady with dark hair and brown eyes, is dressed in a red medieval costume with a floppy red hat. She is taking a smiling selfie.
A white medieval-style banner hangs vertically on a wooden wall. Red lettering, written vertically up the banner reads "Kynren".
On the left is a medieval knight dressed in armour. A blue shield with a yellow cross and four, white, rearing, roaring lions. On the right, two young girls with brown hair are smiling.

We all enjoyed watching Arthur travel back in time and the journey through British history.

Four members of the Accounts team (from left to right: a young man, and three middle-aged ladies) stand in the courtyard of a wooden fortress.
Three people, a young woman, middle-aged lady, and a young girl, are taking a selfie. It's a sunny day and behind them a green field roles out.

We had a game of "Where's Bethaney?" but she blends in better than Wally!!!

Seven women in white, floaty dresses with a red trimmed collar, red rope belt, and white headdress, hold fire torches above their heads as they march in pairs down a sand path. Behind them, men dressed as knights line the edges of the fields.

A great time was had by all, especially trying to work out the costings of the show!!!

Three people wearing gold dresses with gold fanning sleeves. They stand in a line, all looking and pointing both arms to the right. They are stood in a fountain/pool with water spurting up around them. In the background is a stone castle.

Bethaney performed every Saturday from the end of July to the middle of September, and it was definitely worth a trip to watch!!

Framed by a navy night sky. People holding spears or bagpipes and dressed as beefeaters but without bearskin hats are marching across a field in front of a river. On the opposite bank is a stone castle with blue lights shooting out behind it.