A collage made up of four images. The image in top left is a photo of the Training team standing around a wooden throne holding wooden swords and shields. Two team members sit in the throne. In the top right, Stuart accepts a car sticker from a member of Valhalla's staff. In the bottom left, a man throws an axe. The image in the bottom right is a photo of Dawn signing a blackboard wall. In the centre, orange text on a blue background reads "Team Training Throws Axes".

[On the 30th August] the Training Team went to Valhalla in Newton Aycliffe for Indoor Axe Throwing!

We separated into 2 teams – Instructors V Admin. The challenge was to hit playing cards on the target – which was by no means an easy feat. A huge well done to the Instructors who hit all 5 playing cards and won the game. Admin tried their best and thanks to Casey and Helen managed to hit 2 cards.

Man in a blue jumper throwing an axe at a wooden wall with a painted-on target

Next were the individual games... A special mention has got to go to Stuart who proved he was a bit of a hot shot by winning all rounds and was awarded a car sticker (yep a car sticker!!) – well done Stuart?

Stuart, dressed in a yellow shirt and black trousers, receives his car sticker from a member of Valhalla's staff, a bearded and moustached man dressed all in black. The two men hold the sticker and shake hands.

Also to Tony, who came a very respectable 2nd; and to Dawn, who not only came 3rd but also achieved the only 7 of the night and got to add her name to the “Wall of Clutch” – brilliant!

Dawn, dressed in a blue and white top and black trousers, signs her name on the 'Wall of Clutch'. A long blackboard with names written in different coloured chalks.

Everyone had a great night, thought it was extremely well run, and would highly recommend it.

Dawn thought it was great fun and enjoyed getting to know the team outside of work; Helen wasn’t sure what to expect but loved it, and Siobhan loved it so much she wants to join the league! 

Two member of the training team sit in a wooden throne styled like the Iron Throne. The rest of the training team stand around the throne. Some hold wooden swords, shields, or wear a Viking helmet.